KidSpot Renovation 2023-24

KidSpot view from parking lot

KidSpot, located at 148 Chestnut Street, is a playground constructed by volunteers in 1990, managed by North Reading Parks and Recreation. It is located on a shaded hillside with 3 tiers, with an approximate area of 7,500 sf including swings. See the original KidSpot (Photos)

North Reading’s 2020 Open Space and Recreation Plan called for replacing KidSpot’s wooden structures and improving accessibility to the playground and site. Based on safety and accessibility concerns, it was time to replace the 30-year old playground. 

2023-24 Project Timeline

  • North Reading Parks and Recreation first received funding to replace the playground in Fiscal Year 2023. The state provided a $50,000 earmark to be spent by June 30, 2023. Thanks to State Representative Brad Jones and State Senator Bruce Tarr for securing these and additional state funds.
  • In May 2023, the Recreation Committee sought public feedback on accessibility and types of equipment needed. See announcement.
  • In late May 2023, the $50,000 earmark funds were used to remove wooden structures that had safety and accessibility concerns, were in need of constant repair. This prepared the site for survey, design, and site preparation. Handicap-accessible rubber matting was also purchased and stored for use in the new playground’s landscape.
  • In June, the town signed a contract to receive another $100,000 in state funding for the project.
  • At June town meeting, voters approved a $100,000 appropriation from Parks and Recreation retained earnings, approximately $75,000 intended for KidSpot. 
  • In August, the Recreation Committee and Land Utilization Committee met jointly to discuss KidSpot. The Committees decided to pursue additional funding to purchase universally-accessible equipment for ages 2-12, comparable to the original KidSpot. See public feedback summary.
  • In September, design firm Carolyn Cooney and Associates was selected for the project, beginning with cost estimates. See some of their recent designs here.
  • In September, the Capital Improvement Planning Committee recommended the town amend its FY24 capital budget to appropriate $300,000 for KidSpot.
  • At October 2 Town Meeting, Article 9, voters approved an amendment to the FY24 capital budget, including $300,000 for KidSpot.

Budget Tracker

AmountFunding Source
$50,000FY23 State Funds
$75,000Parks & Recreation Retained Earnings (approved June 2023 Town Meeting)
$100,000FY24 State Funds
$300,000Town Funding (approved October 2023 Town Meeting)


$525,000Total Project Funds, as of 10/2/23

Opportunities to Give

Friends of North Reading Parks and Recreation engages in fundraising to support, foster and encourage interest in and promote athletic and recreational activities and facilities in the Town of North Reading.